Power Control swaps 23 tonne battery set for a more cost effective solution
Long standing customer CBRE once again enlisted Power Control’s expertise, this time for the replacement of two large sets of VRLA batteries which were at their end of life (EoL). These batteries are part of a backup power infrastructure containing two Pillar 1100kVA UPS installed in an N+N configuration, which is positioned to support key server equipment.
A UPS failure during a power anomaly or complete power failure would have a profound effect on the day-to-day operation of the site.
Following a site survey, Power Control recommended replacing the EoL strings with highly dependable Yuasa batteries. Knowing how much reliance is placed upon their backup infrastructure, Power Control wanted to ensure the company were completely satisfied with the recommended change and organised a tour of the Yuasa factory located in South Wales.
The company were pleased with the Yuasa SWL4250 and during installation, Power Control was able to configure the 23+ tonne battery set to a far more cost-effective 12V solution. The Engineer who completed the installation was a former Pillar Senior Engineer and well adept in working with the installed UPS systems.
All of the Power Control engineers are trained to the highest standards and receive ongoing refresher training to ensure their multi-vendor UPS and battery knowledge is up-to-the-minute.
An Account Manager at CBRE commented: “A big thank you to your team on a very professional piece of work. From start to the end, well organised, and a bunch of Hard-working Lads. I Wish all of our contractors had your work ethics”